Monday, September 22, 2008


Just a quick note before you enjoy the pictures. Sunday when I watched Keri's kids went slendidly! There were only a few issues, mostly because of age differences J is almost 7 the boys are 5 so there are some play style differences and Julie feels like the only girl, she kind of is...and Levi has a power wheel GATOR, J likes to drive it, well, she is a bit of a woman driver and backed up, not watching where she was going and ran over her brother, G, up to his shoulder. G is 13 months, yeah he was alright, he's pretty tough, being the youngest of 4...
ENJOY, I tried to make the comments match the pictures...
ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FUTBOL??? Levi informed me he is not playing football-he's playing soccer...

The swarm... the black team is Levi's in this pictue are on the left L, in the middle R (Levi's best buddy), and then Levi on the right

Levi fell and his friend K was there to help him up! Great teamwork, later in the game Levi passed the ball to K and she scored!

Levi's glasses-not sure if you can see the lighter blue flames. Jacob is amazed at how unkidlike he looks with his glasses-he looks so much older...

These are my kiddos being kiddos...

What is with kids and verticle blind? In these pictures Levi was getting annoyed with me taking pictures, hence the poses...

These are at Jasmine's son A's birthday party...

I saved the best for last! I gave Benjamin his first haircut this weekend (Saturday afternoon). He was the second haircut I gave...
Levi got what he wanted and I was good with it, he's 5 and his hair goes so fast...Plus this is the first time he's wanted his hair to do anything but lay on his head.

Benjamin's hair is A LOT longer than Levi's I tease Jacob that I am going to keep the sides short and let his hair grow to his ears!

Here they are right after the cuts!

On the way to church, where I must admit the people th0ught they were cute. Later that day I had Keri's kids, I heard R saying he wanted a mohawk to look like Levi, Levi said "but this way they can tell us apart easier". Everyone gets Levi and R mixed up and if any of us adults are with them people will "how old are your twins" they are always so surprised when they find out they are just friends--no relation at all...

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