Monday, September 15, 2008

only 2

Yesterday Jacob started a 48 hour shift, which usually means that I am worn out before the first night, but yesterday my friend Keri called and asked Levi to visit her son, Levi's best buddy R. So I was down to just on kiddo. Benjamin is so funny, he was sooo very tired, but was not going to stop moving until I had the laundry done. He has been such a bear lately he is cutting 2 molars! Oh yes, so fun, there is no amount of oral gel, ty*nol, ibu*profen to ease his tender gums, which results in gross poop and a tender butt. Yes, the fun of TWO. I got laundry done and he and I sat he napped and I watched TV, wow there was not much on...Then we went to Keri's for supper. She has FOUR children--6,5,3,1--all I can say is WOW. I sat and entertained Benjamin and the 3 year old and 1 year old. Her youngest probably weighs more than Benjamin and he is only one! But Benjamin is still cute and amazing. Yeah, I am so glad that I have only two. As I sat there being mulled by 3 kiddos I noticed that Keri was just cooking away, completely unbothered, she offered to have me over every night to entertain so she can cook. The diner was fabulous with good company, and good conversation!

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