Friday, September 5, 2008

this morning

I just remembered something that I wanted to post...As most of you know I'm not too sappy, nor do I think that every thing that my kiddos do is the cutest thing...BUT this morning (must have been early) Levi came in and went to sleep in my bed (Jacob was working and I slept through it), then Benjamin came in about 5:30AM. I got up at 6:30AM and left them sleeping. I had just gotten out of my shower and I hear Levi singing "Good morning to you, good morning to you, no need to be blue 'cause Levi loves you, he loves you". My heart swelled, that is the song I most generally sing (although I say Mommy loves you) to Levi to wake up-Benjamin only gets sung to occasionally, because he usually just wakes up. Levi sang that a couple of times after each verse I would hear Benjamin either laugh or say "vi" (pronounced vigh for Levi). I wished at that moment I had a video camera in my room that could have videoed that interaction. I would have loved to see the body language.
Wow, my little boy is growing up and will be in college soon, I better not blink...

1 comment:

Jazz's Little Buddies said...

It doesn't matter how sappy (or not) you are...that ought to make you proud. Gotta love that Levi. He's such a nice boy.