I have really gotten "hooked" on a blog- Freezerbuns. I must admit that her struggle and so many others struggle to get pregnant makes me feel very strange. I remember my miscarriage and then the "hard time" I had getting pregnant, but the emotions that D has gone through to get her twins is amazing. The determination that some people have to have children is amazing and I am in awe of them. I love my children, but honestly I'm not sure how I would have felt had Levi not come as kind of a surprise-I had resigned myself as a childless woman. I know that I have mentioned Amber in the past, but I see how much she wants a child, and just hasn't gotten pregnant. I have another friend, M, who has had several pregnancies and only 2 children, and one on the way, but she is SICK. I don't mean just a little bit of morning sickness I mean hyperemesis (yes, it's a medical diagnosis). M is nauseated all the time, unless she is puking. She takes medication to help her keep food and fluids down EVERY 90 minutes AROUND THE CLOCK. Yes, she sets an alarm clock so she wakes up to take her meds. I remember having to set my alarm clock to pump-that SUCKS. When M was pregnant with J (now 3) M was honestly green. She would puke so hard she would pee, then the soles of her feet would get burns because her urine was so concentrated. M had always wanted a big family, so she tried again after J even went on Clomid with no baby, now she is pregnant and unable to keep food down again. With this case in mind I think of all of those who cannot get pregnant and try so hard, how awful would it be to finally get pregnant and not feel good. Before Benj was born I didn't know that I didn't feel good, but WOW did I feel lousy. I hope those who are having trouble getting pregnant feel good while they are pregnant, otherwise what a double whammy. I know that Freezerbuns is really feeling big-my gosh she has twins! I hope she has a healthy delivery... and a healthy baby. My friend D exposed me to another blog about a little girl with CDH (congenital diaphragm hernia) and little baby Elli's struggle and how sad to see the end of her struggle. It could happen to anyone. When reading babygirlreed2be it really angered me, I got to hold Benjamin when he was a couple of days old (I love Overland Park Regional Medical Center's NICU), but Elli's parents did not get to hold her until her 19th day, just the hours before she died. She was at the same Childrens hospital that Keri's 3rd baby, K, was at- Keri did not get to hold K until discharge was in sight. It just seems dumb that we in the medical community would believe that these babies would do better with tubes and wires and not human contact? I mean seriously? There can not be that big of a difference between a preemie and a sick baby-touch is what it is all about.
I think that reading some of the infertile blogs made me appreciate my family, and how much compasion I have inside of me.
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