Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I voted today. It took me 30 minutes-in a town of 3000, seriously?! Even now I am undecided if I voted the way I "should" have...Really what role does experience play? Does anyone have enough "experience" to be pres or vice pres. What prepares you for that? And if you have "experience" being president than you only have one term left-right? I will be glad when the polls close. I am grateful that I have PTO tonight as much as I HATE PTO (it used to be PTA), but at least I won't be home hearing about the election every 2 minutes. Either way this election will result in the first...and either way I fear for the president-what you don't think that someone would want to kill the first minority president or kill to make the first minority president. Either way I believe the secret service has their work cut out for them...
On the non-political front...this weekend we get pictures done with my whole family. Sunday we will then do what I have grown to look forward to, and never thought I would ever do...we sight in rifles for deer season-no I don't hunt- not because I think it's wrong, but because I think it would be BORING and COLD! However I do love to shoot a gun-mainly the 9 mm. LOVE IT. Levi shot the 22 last year and will again this year. We go with John, Keri, J, R, K, G and we always take my little girl Sadie (dog) who loves to try and retrieve what ever we shot-mainly she runs around and never manages to find anything that does not stink nor does she ever get shot-amazing...Every year (well the last 3) I have gotten a picture of Jacob and Levi walking to the targets-they hang in my office, each time I manage to catch them in the same part of their step. This year we will add Benjamin. Both boys have their own ear muffs for the noise and both know to stay out of the way. It is important to us that they understand gun safety...
Levi plays hockey and I think that my parents are coming for that game (actually I think they will be here all Sunday-but we really "have" to get the guns sighted in deer season starts 11-15). I never ask and honestly I don't know why we have to do this every year, but it is a day outside in the wilderness...
and still not pictures, some day...

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