Friday, October 17, 2008


It is time for Jacob to come HOME! I must admit that this week has been a very long week...
Jacob has been in Las Vegas since Tuesday and I have been a single parent, a job I am NOT cut out to be full time! It has been a great week and I really have done well ( I have only done drive-thru once-but may do it again tonight) that means I have cooked, done dishes, kept the house picked up (as much as a construction site can be anyway), bathed the children, and managed to come to work every day! I must admit I love my boss, she has been so kind to me this week-daycare does not open until 0730 and the kiddos have to be picked up by 1715 (sorry 5:15 I operate on a 24 hour clock, you'll have to learn it- I don't always convert) it takes me 45 mins to get to work so I get to work at 0830 then leave at 1615-that's no 8.5 hours, she has let me use leave time to make up for the hours this week, usually I just make up the time when Jacob's home, but he's not here, is he. All three of us are ready for daddy to be home.
A woman at work got married last Saturday-Benjamin's favorite here at work, I am so happy for her, and I am glad to hear someone wanting to be happy in marriage. There are at least 3 people getting divorced here at work. It really makes me sad, never do I think that people believe their marriage will end in divorce. So, I'm happy for D, because she has a good guy (maybe almost as good as mine) and it's good to have more happy couples in the world.
The new toy room is proceeding full steam ahead. We have the room tore down to the studs so that we can seal and put new insulation up and drywall. I had planned on working on the room this week, but bedtime came so quickly after supper that it just didn't make it on the list of stuff to do...
Benjamin is talking all the time. I do not think I have heard mom, mama, mommy, mmmmooooommmyyyyy as much this year as I have this week. He misses his dad. Benjamin likes the construction zones and pounds everything. He is a worker... Last evening he was "helping" me pack Levi's lunch and wanted one to bring to work today. I packed his lunch and he has carried it everywhere, and cried when I put it in the fridge here at work.
Levi is super excited for his dad to get home and his jam packed weekend of soccer and hockey. He is going to his friend R's after school. It is amazing watching him learn to read. He loves his books and figuring things out...
I start a cake decorating class on Monday with some friends, I'm pretty good already, but there are somethings that I don't know how to do like FLOWERS...

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