Wednesday, July 9, 2008

what a holiday

What a time! The 4th of July has never been one of my BIG holidays, as a matter of fact I really think of it more of a day off than a holiday. This year, however, Levi remembered the fireworks from last year and was EXCITED to do them. We bought some and started lighting them on July 2nd, then he wanted to save some for when his Grandma M came. We went to a friend's house and watched their display on the 4th. I discovered that the noise hurt Benjamin's ears-duh tubes! (yeah, a proud mom moment) Saturday was R's birthday party and we all went, then the city's fireworks Saturday night. Then both boys started running fevers and got sinus sick. It was so cold here in during the evenings and even not hot during the days. The 4th of July is supposed to be HOT weather not HOT CHOCOLATE weather. So they both went to the doctor on Monday...
We have started on their room, it is currently a wonderful nursery-walls painted like the sky. It will be transforming to an inside out firetruck! Jacob is making fire station like bunkbeds, I am painting the walls and ceiling to be like a fire truck. I am so excited, this will be such a fun project. I will post pictures.
The other day I was dusting my pictures and we have one of our dog, Sadie, and my parent's dog Tasha. Levi asked me for it, he then showed it to Benjamin and said "Benji, this is Tasha, Mimi and Papa's dog, we loved her so much, but she is dead now, you know Benji everything dies" It amazed me how matter of fact he was. With both of our jobs we tend to be very direct with the whole sickness and death thing. I know that when Levi actually gets to Mimi and Papa's and there is no Tasha, he will realize that she is really gone and pictures are all we have of her. He also said to me "you know mom, Tasha was never the same after she broke herself" (Tasha had broken her pelvis not long before she died). I told him that that is what happens and he wanted to make sure she went to heaven and daddy's daddy could play with her. What else do you say but I bet they are playing right now...
Benjamin has gotten really good at running, and he has peed on the big boy potty twice. Yes, I'm still buying diapers and I am not hopeful that that will stop for a while. He gets so excited when he sits there, and to flush the toilet, what a pleasure. Benjamin has become Levi's little protector. If you cross Levi soon Benjamin will be in to tell you all about it-and he gets his finger going and points and just gives you his opinion.

1 comment:

Jazz's Little Buddies said...

The fire truck room sounds wonderful! Levi is getting big, his understanding of death...amazing. We love you guys!