Tuesday, June 3, 2008


It is amazing how much I value my friends. I have 3 really good friends-you know the kind that it doesn't matter if you are in a good mood or not they love you anyway. One Jasmine lives so far away that I NEVER see her and we mainly keep in contact with each other through email and her blog- Ludwig Pumkin Wumpkins. One Amber I work with, however she lives about an hour from my (we both live about 30 minutes from work in opposite directions)- her blog is The misadventures of Frank and Boris. The other is Keri, who lives where I live her husband and my husband work together-she is my MOM friend and is amazing. Keri has 4 kiddos 6, 4, 3, and 9 mos, just finished getting her ADN-waiting for her board letter. Her 4 year old R and Levi are only 2 months apart. All of these ladies keep me hopeful that somewhere in my MOM life I still have a bit of PAULA still in there. I think that I have been thinking about this because I have been reviewing my Sex and the City DVDs-I have the whole series and I can not wait to go to the movie. I have to wait until Levi goes to bed to watch so I have been up late and then up early to go to work. Not sure why I am add this to this blog I just am rambling.
Levi has been doing the tee ball thing. He really likes to be the catcher which is actually the busiest spot in tee ball. He gets to put the ball on the tee and since they let everyone hit and the last batter ALWAYS gets to run all the bases he usually gets to tag them out and "make" the last "out" every inning!
Amber's husband Jeff gave Levi a BUNCH of water guns on Saturday, so Sunday we go the slip and slid and the water guns out and PLAYED! Levi was shooting me as he ran and slid down the slip & slide. Benjamin (Spiderman) was even shooting me and would walk down the slip & slide. It was so fun to watch them. Jacob was at work, keep the world safe from fire and saving lives, so it was just the three of us. It is so fun now that Benjamin is up and around and ready to play. I think that my favorite time is around 2 y/o.
Benjamin has started to climb and show his personality more and more. His language is exploding. As I write I am trying to think about the "new" things that he does, there are so many that I can't think of any-except we have a chair (one of those that are tall and have the steps that are stored under them-my grandma H had one in her kitchen too-I remember sitting on it while she cooked) in our kitchen (by our stove) it is there so that I can reach stuff in our cabinets. Anyway he now climbs up on it while we are cooking and says "hot" and blows on the stove. He does not touch the stove and we do not use the burner that he could touch (well, I did once before I knew he could get up there-imagine my surprise).
I am so greatful for my friends and family, they all together make any of the bad times good!

1 comment:

Jazz's Little Buddies said...

Paula, I love ya too! It sucks being so far away but I'm so glad we can always reconnect and it seems like no time has passed. Jasmine