Friday, May 28, 2010

real quick

I just wanted to post, very quickly..Next week I leave on a business trip to Oklahoma City. Today we had our Memorial Day service, we remembered everyone that died the previous 12 months at the Home I work. I amazed me how many names there were. We recognize them every month, but a whole year's worth. Some of them names I recognized, some I did not. Funny the way our minds work.
Levi's team lost their baseball game last night.
We all have poison oak, I of course have it the worst-not to say I got in it the most, but because I have this immune system that thinks it has to so an all out assault on anything it doesn't like on my skin. I have it on my face, neck, arms and legs-no I was not naked when I got in whatever I got in-I was pulling weeds. Seriously this sucks I hope it clears up by Tuesday!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Well how "bout that?

Levi finally played his first game last night, they tied a near by town. Levi was the "catcher". I put that in quotes because he did more chasing than catching. At first the machine was low, so the balls would bounce, throw dirt into his eyes, he would cry, we would squirt his eyes with saline, I would tell him if they did not bounce (and he caught them) it would get better. They played 4 innings-the max and tied. Once they adjusted the machine a bit higher we hit better. Everyone (I think) got a hit! It is fun to watch them playing what actually looks like baseball.
After the game the pager went off for a code, Jacob responded, I helped, a sitter took the kiddos home. All I can say is never do I ever want to be worked that hard for that long. We worked this code (by we I mean Jacob and 5 other people-I was the documenter-which in that scene is what I am best at-my license is not that great for out in the field and in the Paramedic's field) for over 2 hours. Now I have taken care of someone who was down for 6 minutes and 10 minutes-not much left of either of those, took care of someone who was down for 2 minutes and that wasn't too bad, but I can't imagine 120 minutes. Never would that be worth it. By the way it is not as exciting as on t.v.
Oh, mentioning tv, we will be without cable starting Thursday. We don't watch much tv, and really I think that we can live without it. I am the one that watches the most tv and it was my idea and decision to have the cable disconnected. We do not have Internet at home just on our phones. Right now we have no furnace or air conditioning either (those are in the works though, I am not ready to give it all up).
Benjamin and Levi will start soccer in August!
Enjoy summer, hopefully I will get back to posting more frequently...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Well, Well

LEVI IS SEVEN!!!! Levi's birthday was last month, I have been busy. He was so excited. He had a sleep over (we had it at the local Super 8-good tip for parents--no clean up!). Some of the kiddos told us it was "the best birthday party ever". It was fun, we were all very tired. The "7" year olds gave up at 11:45ish and gave up sleeping at 5:30ish. Certainly was a fun time, too bad the camera did not make it. I made a simple checker board cake with a smooth frost job, nothing too challenging!
Levi is done with hockey. Unfortunately his travel team did not travel, there were only 2 that were ready to travel and you really need 3 to skate and a goalie. Levi did play in local league and was asked to play in a near by town's league, but we declined (seriously something every night he was 6). Levi's league team won every game except one-they tied. He was very proud, since his team beat some of the player that have always beat his team!
Levi is now in Machine Pitch Baseball. First game is Thursday. Of course he wants to be a catcher. I finally told him he just likes all the equipment. (although he is a really good goalie and goalies tend to be catchers and visa versa) He really needs to get better at catching before he can be a good catcher. I am amazed at how he keeps his head in it-WOW he does not flinch. So maybe when he catches better he will be another catcher in a line of catchers (he doesn't throw that great either, he is 7).
Levi may play soccer this summer then FOOTBALL in the fall. I would be ok with him skipping either of these sports.
Benjamin, is 3 and thinks he should be in everything that Levi is in, however since the city moved soccer to summer he cannot play-you have to be 4. T-ball you have to be 5. Fall hockey you have to be 4, hopefully some seasons it's 5. Benjamin has his heart set on playing hockey in the fall. He is really pretty good on his skates, although they are TOO big for him-but they are the smallest hockey skates you can get reasonably. He skates fine, they are just too heavy for him to pick up and push off to get any speed up. He'll do fine, I'm sure. Benjamin wants to go to school in the fall-he doesn't beat the cut off, so another year of daycare.
Benjamin cannot wait for his birthday, he has his guest list prepared, his cake ideas communicated to me, because I get to make the John Deere dozer with the blue scoop. I will have to scalped it, because he wants it to stand up. At least it is a challenge!
Jacob got Lasik, it really is amazing. He is so happy with it!
Jacob's team WON the barrel fight at the FFAM convention a few weeks ago. They had a mini Fire Fighter Challenge Jacob's team participated in all events did very well in some events, not so hot in others. My favorite event is the bucket brigade. There is nothing like watching firemen in their bunker pants passing buckets, the speed and strength they have, WOW.
I just keep keeping everything together. Work is very busy, I have so much research and that I am doing trying to teach people how to take care of these Veterans most with dementia. The changes in our bodies and brains as we get older, amazing.
I do more than work of course, but most of it is all enjoyment of my family, watching everyone grow!
OH, Benjamin got Levi Squeak for his birthday-another hamster, this time a "big" one, we can catch and hold!
who knows maybe I'll post pictures someday.