Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

Wow, I cannot believe that this year is over! What a great year we have had!
It was so fun to send Levi off to summer school then "real" school. I'm sure in the future I will be so sad to see him leaving for school. Seeing him learn to skate and play roller hockey, watching t-ball, and seeing him get better at soccer. He now reads and writes. Levi kind of rides a bike. He has become a great big brother, protecting his little brother, playing with his little brother, and yes antagonizing his little brother.
Benjamin is now a talker, repeating so much that is said. He now runs and jumps and plays. He is now his chronological age TWO. There are no more extra doctor's appointments, no more cautious optimism, he is just him. He has learned so much with Levi as a great role model. How to tackle, how to antagonize, how to play. He now wants so much to play hockey and go and do everything.
Jacob is the best husband ever and 2009 will start a new chapter for him, he will begin his journey for his Bachelor's Degree in fire science. This will take a few years, but it is a dream of his to have his degree. He coaches t-ball and soccer. He loves watching Levi skate. He has learned that Benjamin is a good little helper and gives Benjamin good helping jobs. Jacob continues to create the things I dream up. He is a GOOD MAN!
I just keep perking along. I continue on my journey to be a healthier me. I have found some mental health in teaching a little bit of Sunday school and always strive for balance. I think I have become good at keeping us together and in the right place at the right time...this year I have really missed Jas, we so often have the same issues at the same time, it would be nice if we lived closer. Too bad neither of us are in the position to relocate...
I will be with my two little boys tonight, Jacob will be off fighting fires. No doubt we will be in bed asleep well before midnight.

1 comment:

Jazz's Little Buddies said...

I always miss you too. It's especially hard wishing our boys could grow up together and we could laugh watching them play. I can dream, right?