Matey Wiskers died on Saturday November 7, 2009 sometime during skating lessons that morning. We came home from skating and Levi went in to see his hampster and yelled "Matey's dead". We had heard him in there running before skating, so I (yes this is a Mom of the Year moment) said, "He's probably sleeping" to which Levi said "He's dead, dead, dead!" then started to sob. Yes, this made me go in and check, yes there lay Matey on his back dead. Benjamin and Levi both were crying and telling me we had to bary him. I got Matey out of his cage and we put him in a bowl, Levi wrote his name on a card and carried that bowl around until Jacob got home so we could bury him. Jacob dug the hole Levi dumped Matey in the hole and Matey was covered before Benj and I could get the cross made and over to the "funeral". Soon after Benjamin said "Levi I will get you a new hampster for Christmas, is that ok?" Levi just nodded, gave him a hug, and cried.
Do we ever get attached to pets! I must admit I am a bit upset we only had him 6 months, I am going to ask at the store that Levi bought Matey, seriously 6 months...